Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Is there a monster in your closet?
There isn’t one in mine.
My closet is completely stuffed with dress shirts and my brothers’ boxes of assorted junk. Seriously, there’s not even room for a skeleton.

In complete honesty though, I don’t have a single skeleton in my closet. The thing about skeletons is that the ones in closets don’t scare me. The ones that scare me are the ones inside me. I’m not sure how they all fit, but they never leave me.
The important thing about skeletons, I think though, is that everyone has them. We’re all walking around with our hidden doubts, buried regrets, and secret pasts. It’s easy to focus on our own past and forget about the struggles of others. & the major part of all this is that they’re hidden. We don’t know when other people are having rough days, when nothing’s going right, and everything in life seems to be going wrong. I’ve had those days, more than I like or would care to admit.
                It’s hard for me to remember though, that other people have their bad days too. I’m often not gracious to my family or the people in my drive thru, when they’re not exactly on the ball. (Trust me, you don’t want to know what we say about you guys over the headset sometimes.) I guess for me right now, the primary application for me right now, is to be more gracious and Christ-like. Imagine that as an application. How unexpected. Secondarily, and perhaps even more spiritually applicable, don’t judge on outward appearance, but get to know people. Persons are awesome, but they’re not perfect.

"For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."